
Hello it has once again been quite some time. I rarely have the time for fantasies these days. It is quite sad. Im so behind. Ive stopped taking private commissions and requests because I just cant keep up. It is really hindering my ability to produce these fantasies for you and me. So apologies to those of you who have asked and to those of you still waiting. I have a very wonderful female fan who loves my fantasies. We share many of the same fantasies. Like fetish soul mates. She asked me very sweetly for this exact same fantasy just as I was finishing it up for myself, and all of you of course. I enjoy Oppai Loli, very much. Thats anime's fault. I try to stay away from drawing them because its hard. Theres a very fine line between little lady and little girl, or midget. My skills arent quite good enough to draw them properly and theres a degree of extreme cuteness to them I dont think I can quite capture. Either way I had a go at it because.....well this shits hot! Im not sure when I will have time to do another, so in the meantime Please Enjoy this!


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